Navigating the Challenges of Being an Internal Processor: How Self-Reflection Can Help

Let me ask you this: are you someone who feels like they spend a lot of time in their own head OR do you tend to get really quiet during debates or disagreements? Or perhaps when you feel a bit…

How to Create a Digital Vision Board in Canva

This past week, I’ve been seeing a TON of vision board’s shared (and I even made my own, see this post) and wanted to break down how I approach creating a vision board and give you some tips for how…


Hi there, I'm Marah Elizabeth, and
welcome to my slice of the internet.
Here, I share about my lifestyle from personal development, goals, favorite products, thrifting, my home, to DIYs, and more.
Thanks so much for stopping by,
I hope you enjoy this space.

What I’ve Been Into Lately

Hey y’all! Today I’m sharing what I’ve been into lately, touching on a little bit of everything from recent beauty purchases, food, hobbies, and personal development. I created a YouTube video about this – feel free to watch it instead…

7 Lessons I Learned From Completing #75Hard

Back in March, Cesar and I started the #75Hard challenge, and we recently completed it. For context and background information about the challenge, visit this blog post. We’ve been done with the challenge for a few weeks now, and today…

What’s on My iPhone 11

Have you ever wondered what people have on their phones? I know I have, and a lot of time has been spent binge-watching YouTube videos about what people have on their phones (and how they organize their apps!). I decided…

Days in My Life During Quarantine

What day of the week is it? What month is it? These are two questions I’ve asked myself more times than I can count in the past two months – I’m sure you can relate. I decided to vlog a…

Get to Know Me | Marah Elizabeth

It’s been a while since I formally introduced myself – I’m Marah Elizabeth, the creator of Making it Millennial. Having started a YouTube channel this year, I published a Get to Know Me video and wanted to share it here,…

Trying Out a ‘Get Your Shit Together’ Day for the First Time

Mundane tasks, oh how I despise thee. And frankly, I mostly try to avoid thee…ha! Raise your hand if you also run in the opposite direction when menial tasks pop up and need taken care of? My friend Coley over…

Where I’ve been lately…

Happy Sunday, I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend. Let me start off by saying that sitting down to write this post feels cathartic in a way, it’s been nearly 3 months since I wrote for myself. I never intended…

5 Simple Ways to Live More Eco-Friendly

Note: This post contains affiliate links. You can read my disclosure by clicking here. Who here wants to be more eco-friendly but isn’t quite sure how to go about it (besides not using plastic bags, I think that’s the most well-known tip)?…

Hello from CO!

Happy Sunday! And I know it’s been a LONG time since I posted. My move from NYC to Denver went pretty smoothly, however, y’all know, the process of getting settled in and feeling “at home” takes so. much. time, energy,…

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