Navigating the Challenges of Being an Internal Processor: How Self-Reflection Can Help

Let me ask you this: are you someone who feels like they spend a lot of time in their own head OR do you tend to get really quiet during debates or disagreements? Or perhaps when you feel a bit overwhelmed about what’s going on in your life, you turn inward and not to others? 

The truth is, there are different ways to process information. And if you answered yes to any of the scenarios I just mentioned above, then you might be an internal processor just like me, and you may find today’s blog post helpful.

So what does it mean to be an internal processor?

An  “internal processor” refers to someone who tends to process and reflect on their thoughts and emotions internally, rather than discussing them openly with others. 

And this means that the person usually takes some time to think about and understand their thoughts and feelings before sharing them with others. 

Internal processing can be a helpful way for people to make sense of their emotions and come to a greater understanding of themselves. However, it can also be important for people to share their thoughts and feelings with others, as this can help them receive support and perspective from others. It is important for people to find a balance that works for them in terms of how they process their thoughts and emotions and communicate.

I’m an internal processor, which has definitely impacts conversations that I have. I find it incredibly challenging to proactively share and communicate what I’m thinking and how I’m feeling when I’m in the moment. And in the past, this blocker made me feel inferior and ashamed for not being as good of a communicator in my personal and work relationships and not being able to express myself clearly as quickly as others.

Wanting to improve on this myself, I did a variety of research and experimentation – from going to therapy to reading a variety of personal development and psychology-focused books – to better understand myself and identify what I’m actually going through, and how I can work through those thoughts and feelings in a more effective way. And one of the most helpful exercises that I found was self-reflection.

What is self-reflection?

Self-reflection is the process of consciously thinking about your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It’s important because it helps people gain insight into themselves and understand how their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors impact both themselves and others. 

It can also help internal processors identify patterns of thought and behavior that may be unhealthy or unproductive, and they can begin the work to change it. Self-reflection can also help people develop self-awareness, which is a key component of emotional intelligence, which can lead to better communication and relationships with others, in addition to personal and professional growth.

Personally, practicing self-reflection has been one of the best ways for me to be mindful of what I’m thinking, debate where those thoughts may be coming from, and be able to clearly communicate quicker.

Self-reflection can look and feel different for everyone. My next blog post will be sharing six self-reflection tools I’ve used that you might find helpful for communicating clearer, too, if you’re an internal processor.


Marah Elizabeth


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