5 Simple Ways to Live More Eco-Friendly

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Who here wants to be more eco-friendly but isn’t quite sure how to go about it (besides not using plastic bags, I think that’s the most well-known tip)? Today’s blog post is for you, then!

5 simple ways to live a more eco-friendly life:

1. Wash your clothes in cold water

Consumer Reports states that 75% of the total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from a single laundry load comes from warming the water, and this could save you approximately $60 annually. Another laundry tip: wear your clothes multiple times before you wash them. Yes, I said wear your clothes multiple times before you wash them. Jeans are a great example of a resilient clothing item you can wear multiple times before needing to wash them.

2. Change your buying patterns

Simple switches in your buying behavior at the grocery store can save you a significant amount of money in the long-run. For example, buy and use cloth towels instead of paper towels, use rechargeable batteries instead of alkaline ones, powdered detergent instead of laundry pods or liquid (powder performs better and come in more environmentally-friendly packaging), drink ground or whole bean coffee in lieu of single-pod serving coffee pods, use a water filter and reusable bottle (preferably not plastic for environmental reasons), stop using plastic straws – either get reusable steel ones or simply skip ‘em! Get a pack of reusable baggies (I swear by these now!) and produce bags, reduce buying and using plastic dishware like plates, utensils, and cups, and lastly, invest in some beeswax wrap instead of plastic wrap and aluminum foil.

3. Go low-maintenance with your hair care routine

How often do you wash and “do” your hair? Try to wash your hair less each week, and after you do wash it, try to let it air dry instead of blow drying it. If you can’t live with how your hair looks au nautural, then straighten/curl it once a week and use some kind of dry shampoo to increase the longevity of your done ‘do.

4. Walk or bike to nearby places instead of driving

I realize that many of you have vehicles, but 1) it’s spring/almost summer and the weather outside is usually nice, so get out there, take a walk or bike ride, and smell the fresh cut grass or wet ground (who else LOVES that smell?!), and 2) save energy, reduce gasoline use, and get some exercise in the process – a win-win.

5. Donate instead of throwing away items

Nowadays, you can donate just about anything. Before you toss a bag of clothes into the garbage or call to get older furniture hauled off to the landfill, consider driving it to a nearby donation center. If you don’t have the ability to drop it off yourself, see if the donation center does pickups. If not, you could always post on NextDoor and see if a nearby neighbor would be willing to give you a ride to the donation center or even drop off the items for you.

How’s that for 5 different ways to live more eco-friendly? Have another great suggestion? Share with us in the comments below.

xx Marah Elizabeth

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