7 Lessons I Learned From Completing #75Hard

Back in March, Cesar and I started the #75Hard challenge, and we recently completed it. For context and background information about the challenge, visit this blog post.

We’ve been done with the challenge for a few weeks now, and today I’m sharing 7 lessons that I learned from doing the challenge. Now, if you like more in-depth explanations, I encourage you to watch my YouTube video about the lessons I learned. This blog post will be a shortened list of lessons learned. Let’s dive in!

7 Lessons I learned from completing the #75Hard challenge

  1. I’m capable of doing HARD things. Changing my mindset was the biggest breakthrough throughout the entire challenge, and it took nearly half of the challenge for me to finally change it. Mental change is so tough, y’all! But I now believe and know that I can do the hard stuff.
  2. Don’t stop when you’re tired, finish when you’re done. This is a saying that Coach Kozak from HASfit says quite often. Some days I had to push through a lot of mental excuses to get my two workouts done, and I learned to suck it up when I got tired and to get it done anyway.
  3. Preparedness will make or break your success. Having a plan of action and intentionally setting certain times for getting the daily tasks done throughout the day will make you successful. Failing to plan is like planning to fail – it’s true!
  4. I used to waste a ton of time. Think about it – time is the ultimate finite resource, and I don’t know about you, but I was doing a lot of actions that weren’t helping me progress towards my life goals. Now I’m much more mindful of how I’m spending my time, and I’m more mindfully choosing activities to do these days.
  5. Being consistent changes you! Seriously, doing things over and over and over again helped me to build new habits, routines, a stronger mindset, and more willpower. “Consistency” is my word of the year, and #75Hard has helped me be more consistent than ever before.
  6. No challenge – no change. You are the ONLY ONE who can change your life. If you want to change the narrative of your life story, you have to get comfortable being uncomfortable in order to grow and improve as a person. Now, I embraced discomfort like never before because I know it’s going to change me into a better version of myself, and I’m addicted to that feeling.
  7. The end of the challenge is just the beginning. Now, I’m building onto the foundation that I created by completing #75Hard. The past 3 weeks, I’ve continued to do most of the daily tasks from the challenge and feel stronger (physically AND mentally) than ever before.

If you’re considering doing the #75Hard challenge, don’t hesitate to reach out – would be happy to chat about it!

My best,

Marah Elizabeth


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