Days in My Life During Quarantine

What day of the week is it? What month is it? These are two questions I’ve asked myself more times than I can count in the past two months – I’m sure you can relate. I decided to vlog a…

My Experience with the #75Hard Challenge | Half-way Through

Have you heard about the #75Hard mental toughness challenge? If not, I encourage you to listen to this podcast by the creator of it, Andy Frisella, which will give you the foundational knowledge about the challenge before diving into hearing…


Hi there, I'm Marah Elizabeth, and
welcome to my slice of the internet.
Here, I share about my lifestyle from personal development, goals, favorite products, thrifting, my home, to DIYs, and more.
Thanks so much for stopping by,
I hope you enjoy this space.

How to Customize Your Macbook in 2020

Good morning, everyone! I hope you’re having a good week so far. Today, I’m sharing some of my favorite ways to customize a Macbook in order to personalize it and make it feel more like your own aesthetic. Tips for…

6 Tips for Job Searching During the Coronavirus Pandemic

As some of you know, back in February I made the decision to give notice and leave my full time job due to the role not being a good fit for me. I was only in the role for 7…

Get to Know Me | Marah Elizabeth

It’s been a while since I formally introduced myself – I’m Marah Elizabeth, the creator of Making it Millennial. Having started a YouTube channel this year, I published a Get to Know Me video and wanted to share it here,…

Belize Girl’s Trip Travel Vlog

At the end of January, I had the pleasure of taking a trip to Belize with my friend, Abbie. Back in November, we spent a night at Abbie’s home doing a ton of research on where to go, options for…

2019 End of Year Reflections

A year ago, I had experienced one of the most emotionally taxing years of my life. As I sit here and reflect on the past year, I feel at peace saying that it was a mix of highs and lows.…

November Goals

Happy Monday, and happy Veteran’s Day. First, a huge thanks to all of our service people who have served the US and continue to serve, I appreciate you so much! November. This is the month that usually puts me into…

Trying Out a ‘Get Your Shit Together’ Day for the First Time

Mundane tasks, oh how I despise thee. And frankly, I mostly try to avoid thee…ha! Raise your hand if you also run in the opposite direction when menial tasks pop up and need taken care of? My friend Coley over…

Reflections from visiting NYC for the first time since moving away

“How did I live here for nearly 5 years?!” I thought to myself on the third day of a recent week-long trip back to NYC. I was excited to back in my old neck of the woods but also instantly…

October Goals

Hi friends, happy Monday! Like I mentioned in my post last night, it truly does feel cathartic to sit down and write some content to share with you. I didn’t realize how much I missed it until I started writing…

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