MIM From A to Z: L is for a Lazy Day

Working in the city that never sleeps is exciting yet quite draining at the same time. Today, I took a much-needed day off basically to have a lazy mental health day. The weather is scattered showers, too, so it’s been the perfect day for this.
So, what does one do on their lazy day off? For me, today I really needed some self-care in my life, so I finally bit the bullet and did something that I’ve been wanting to do for a couple years now – I got my eyebrows microbladed! Did you know that I have the blondest eyebrows and spend a good 10 minutes of my life each day filling them in? I promise to write a separate post on my experience with getting my brows microbladed, but I have to say that they did a thorough job, and  it was a pretty relaxing experience, believe it or not. You can’t get your brows wet for 5 days, so when I went in to take a shower, I put petroleum jelly on my brows then covered them with waterproof bandages and took a nice, hot shower (I was very very careful to not get my face too wet during this shower – harder than it sounds!).
I just spent the last 30 minutes with my balcony door open watching and listening to the sporadic rain showers that are happening here today. So peaceful! I let my mind float and wander. Now, I’m cuddled up on the couch writing this post to you and I’m about to troll Pinterest. The last item of my lazy day to-do list is maybe taking a little cat nap before I go out for happy hour with Cesar and friends. Such a nice way to relax today.
What does your favorite kind of #lazyday look like?
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