MIM From A to Z: Y is for YouTubers I’m Into Right Now

Who doesn’t love a good YouTube binger? I’m almost embarrassed to admit how often I find myself on this site, but I get so much out of following my favorites, so today I’m sharing a handful of truly helpful/inspirational YouTubers that you should go check out asap if you’re interested in personal development and others who share their lifestyle with the world.

Alexandrea Garza

Just found Alexandrea last week, and I’m enjoying her lifestyle channel, specifically her style and beauty videos (I’m prioritizing a “revamp” of myself this coming year). She has some practical style tips that I’m trying out soon.

Erin May Henry

I recently discovered Erin May Henry’s channel because of Sam Laura Brown (thanks, girl!) and am loving this channel which is focused on entrepreneurship and living your best life. She is Australian like Sam Laura Brown, and quite frankly, I’m obsessed with her accent. Honestly, she is the truest inspiration because she shares her day-to-day as well as how she runs her business, which is a goal that I have for myself.


Having followed Lavendaire for the past few years, her channel resonates so much because she also focuses on creating your dream life and shares practical actions/activities you can do to inch closer and closer to creating what you want for yourself and your life.


Seriously just found Ashley’s channel and am digging how down-to-earth and easy to listen to she is. Her monthly favorites and getting ready videos are my favorite ones that she posts. I also appreciate that she basically has the same ultra-fair skin tone as me, so he advice on makeup resonates.

These are a handful of my current YouTube favorites – who are you following these days? Send me all channels on lifestyle, pale beauty channels (is that a thing?!), entrepreneurship, and living your best life. 

xx Marah Elizabeth

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