Lush Cup O’ Coffee Face Mask | A Product Review

Every once in awhile, I succumb to the cult-like following of certain brands. Lush Cosmetics has officially did me in – I’m obsessed. And you know what? With all-natural, handmade beauty products that are created from small-scale, ethical suppliers, I don’t feel bad about it, either. 

I’ve been using Lush face masks for about a year now, and I think it’s time to do a deep-dive into the face mask I love the most: Cup O’ Coffee. Let’s sip while we review…



Lush is known for using recycled, recyclable/compostable materials in their product packaging. 


Appearance in Packaging

When you open the container, the face mask appears a dark brown with dark speckles of ground coffee all throughout. 


This is the best smelling face mask I have ever used, period. Imagine taking a pot of coffee and rubbing it all over your face – that’s exactly what using Cup O’ Coffee is like! Its smell is delectable. 

Consistency & Application

 I use this face mask 1-2 times a week in the morning (usually one weekday and one weekend day). The application is simple; I use my fingers to grab a dollop of the mask. Because I don’t use it everyday, I put a generous amount all over my face when I do use it. This is an exfoliator, so it has a slightly grainy texture. Once it’s on your face, it sets quickly and will feel slightly sticky (it’s made with agave nectar), but not in a burdensome way – I got used to it right away. Once I’m ready to take it off, I use a warm washcloth to gently wash it off. One tip that I’ll give is to do small circle motions with the washcloth to help break down the mask, which also  makes the coffee scent of the mask whirl up my nostrils, waking me up even more!

Appearance On Skin

I have very fair skin, so when I put on Cup O’ Coffee, it looks like I’m taking a mud bath! It appears like a rich, brown with darker speckles. I like how it doesn’t really “dry up” like other face masks, it just sets on your face. I hate it when a face mask sets and it hurts to move your face muscles because the mask is dried up – this mask does NOT do that!


I’ve had this face mask for about 2 months now, and it is still super fresh and holding up nicely in its container. I always make sure to tighten the lid well when putting the mask away. 

Overall Impression

This is the kind of face mask that I will use for years to come. Of all the Lush face masks that I’ve used, this is hands-down my fave!

Have you tried the Cup O’ Coffee face mask? If so, what did you think of it? Which Lush face mask is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below.



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