Introducing a New MIM Series: Meet the Bloggers

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a blogger? Or how it works? If so, you’re in for a treat! Periodically, I’ll be highlighting bloggers from all over – who write about all kinds of topics – and I’m going to give you a glimpse inside their inspiration, processes, favorites, and more.

Let’s dive in to our very first interview with Elizabeth Coke of APopofLiz.

Inspiration and Focus

What’s your blog’s name, and what’s it about?

My blog’s name is, where I write about a variety of lifestyle topics, mostly focused on travel and beauty.

What inspired you to start blogging, and how long have you been doing it now?

I was constantly being asked about recommendations for both travel and beauty so I decided why not share about both through a dedicated site? And apopofliz was born a year ago!

Who is your blog for? Describe your ideal reader.

My blog is for a millennial looking to travel the world on a budget. It’s also for women who are looking for makeup and skincare recs because there are so many options out there.

Elizabeth Coke of APopOfLiz

Planning Process and Advice

What does your blog planning process/routine look like?

I normally write in the moment. I’ll be out doing something and get an idea so I’ll start a draft right then so I don’t forget what I want to say. From there, I try and dedicate an hour on the couch to dig into it and develop that initial thought further until it’s fully developed.

What are some of your favorite resources for blogging?

I love the amazon influencer program because let’s be real, who doesn’t shop on Amazon. Planoly has simplified my life so much. My mornings are always crazy busy so it’s nice to have my posts scheduled and not have to worry about them.

What advice would you give someone who is considering starting a blog or someone who is new to blogging?

Don’t give up. I jumped into the blogging scene initially as a fun project and slowly but surely it has continued to grow. There have been moments where I’ve thought to myself, “Why am I doing this?” but once I remind myself why I started I am happy to be where I am. There is so much more to it than meets the eye and you have to know what works for someone else may not work for you. Keep doing what makes you happy and sharing the things you love with your audience and everything else will work itself out.


What are a few of your favorite things in the world?

I love traveling to a new place, and honestly, the planning process for a trip! I love researching all of the cool local places to see and do. I’m all about seeing the sites, but what I really enjoy is immersing myself in the culture of that place and living like the locals do.

Name a few of your favorite blogs to read and why you enjoy them.

  • Katie’s Bliss: She has the best travel itinerary around, and I gain a lot of inspo from her.
  • Brighton the Day: Brighton Keller is inspiring and has the best style. Literally wish I could steal everything out of her closet!
  • Lindsey Living Well: She is my fitness inspiration every. day. I love how open she has been about her journey and her ED. It is so relatable. She also ALWAYS answers her DMs, which I think is so important to followers.

Who do you love following on social media?

  • Eva Chen: she is hilarious and so are her kids
  • Mallory Ervin: she’s one of the realest & funniest bloggers out there

Where can we find more of you?

I spent some time on Elizabeth’s blog and wanted to highlight a few of her posts to check out:

That wraps up our first post in the new Meet the Bloggers series. What you think? What would you like to read more about? Share in the comments below.

PS: If you’re interested in starting your own blog, check out these MIM posts to help you out!

xx Marah Elizabeth


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