Bedroom Tour

Hi everyone, I hope you had an enjoyable weekend. Happy first day of JUNE! I’m hopeful that this month will be more exciting than the past few months of 2020.

For years, I’ve dreamed of having a house of our own, one that we could truly turn into a home. I feel unbelievably thankful that we were able to purchase our first house at the of December 2019 and moved in this January.

Dealing with an apartment complex with hundreds of units and no natural light (we lived on the ground level) would’ve been rough, and my heart goes out to everyone who is currently living like this.

It’s been a few months of living in the house now, and it’s progressing into the home that we dreamt about. Personally, I am LOVING the process and transformation.

The bedroom tour is now posted on YouTube – you can check it out here.

Please do let me know what you think!


xx Marah Elizabeth


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