July Mind-Body-Soul Goals

Happy Saturday, friends.

Lately, time has felt like it’s inching forward (I swear this is the longest year ever), but then there are weeks that go by in the blink of an eye. I found this simple set of perception tests that illustrates a variety of factors that can affect our sense of time. 

Now for today’s topic – let’s get into my update on the mind-body-soul goals I set for 2020.

2020 Mind-Body-Soul Goals

  • Mind: Be consistent with whatever I commit to myself.
  • Body: Establish a weekly fitness and wellness routine.
  • Soul: Learn homemaker skills.

Consistency hasn’t been my strongest suit this past month. I guess I can say that I’ve been consistently emotional and not focused on my commitments to myself – that’s fair.

I’ve experienced a ton of ups and downs this past month and have shed many, many tears. I’ve been trying to give myself some grace and release my anxieties and frustrations, but I’ve felt so out of sorts lately, and feeling this way has frustrated me to no-end. Educating myself further on racial injustices, job searching during a pandemic, and my step-dad going through radiation and a major surgery has certainly overwhelmed me. June was definitely my lowest low of this year so far. 

Whenever I’m feeling so out of control, something that I know helps me is doing things I CAN control, so this month I’m working on consistently writing down my tasks for each day and checking them off as I accomplish them. Another thing I’m working on is practicing gratitude both at the beginning of my day (mentally thinking about something I’m grateful for) and at night by writing in my one-sentence-a-day journal.

My weekly fitness routine has been going fine, and I’m getting stronger and stronger, which makes me feel proud of myself. Getting fit has always been centered around building my confidence and self-esteem. I care so much more about how I feel and what I can physically DO than a number on a scale. Working out is also such an empowering activity – it helps my overall wellness tremendously. 

Funny story: I tried to sew the hem of a DIY tie-dye cropped shirt that I made, and spent 30 minutes with a seam ripper ripping out the stitches. I guess I need to use pins to ensure the fabric doesn’t pull when I’m sewing around the sleeve – rookie mistake on my part. Sooo…still a novice with my sewing machine but I have to start somewhere, haha. My sister has been giving me a variety of tips, which has been helpful.

Last week, I potted some of my plant cuttings, and now all of my gorgeous pots are filled and scattered throughout the house. Never did I think that plants would bring me so much joy, but right now they do! Oh, I also finally replaced my broken frother, and I’ve been making my own cold brew with frothed soy milk on the top, and that has felt quite fancy and indulgent to me (and much cheaper than spending $5 at Starbucks for a similar drink).

Over here, I’m hopeful that July is going to be a more productive, enjoyable month than June was. How are you all doing? Would love to hear from you!

All the best,
xx Marah Elizabeth


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