A Life Update…

Well, hello there, it’s been quite a while, yeah? I’ve had “write blog post” on my to-do list for 3 weeks now, and here it finally is – a life update for the past 2 months of my life. 
First, I want to say that I haven’t been intentionally ignoring the blog. Well, sort of. See, the month of May and June are my “busy” season at work, and when I mean b u s y…I mean BUSY. I could probably work for 72 hours straight and still have a to-do list kind of busy. So I’ve been working a shit ton preparing for a regional business plan competition and planning for my summer program, which I’m actually really excited about it, it’s just been all-consuming me, including most of my weekends for the past month and a half. 
In relation to all of this, anxiety has crept up on me and startled me real good. The perfectionist in me has been out in full force trying to manage and deal with my anxious mind. Seriously, it’s been so bad lately that when the rest of my colleagues took half of the week off (after a big event that went off incredibly well), I worked the entire week, including Friday, which was technically a vacation day for me. My mind won’t rest knowing how much I have left to do to prepare for the program, which starts in a week from tomorrow…I’m so frustrated with myself and the way my mind works sometimes. I simply can’t “leave work at work” right now when that’s all I really want to do.
One silver lining in all of this is that I have the most incredible team for this year’s summer program and am so ecstatic to work with them and the 20 young entrepreneurs trying to launch their businesses this summer. Another silver lining is that after the program ends, Cesar and I are taking a 9-day vacation to Peru in September. We’ve been wanting to travel to South America for yeaaars, and we’re finally going to do it! PLUS, my old Peruvian neighbor, Daniela just moved back to Lima, so we’re actually going to get to hang out with her and a few of her friends that I met whenever they came in town for her college graduation at NYU. So we’re really going to get a “local” experience in Lima, which I couldn’t be happier about.
Thanks for hearing me out, that’s all I’ve got for today. Wishing you all a lovely rest of your evening.
xx Marah Elizabeth


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