4 Fun Fall Date Ideas

I don’t know if it’s because the holiday season is about to roll around and I’m in pre-gift giving idea mode, but I swear I have better ideas in the fall than any other time of the year. Come to think of it, in winter I’m dreaming of escaping the cold and going to the beach, in spring I’m dreaming about how soon I’ll be able to go to the beach, and during the summer all I can think about are my plans for my next beach day…so yeah, during fall I’ve just gotten over my beach obsession, and I can think clearly again. Haha!

I actually love love love the fall. I think it’s the most romantic season out there. It’s the perfect temperature to cuddle up with your significant other and enjoy the crisp weather that ensues. Today I’m sharing 4 fun fall date ideas that will hopefully inspire a fun date for you!

Get Lost in a Corn Maze

Growing up, I had a serious problem with a lack of direction. I’m happy to say that it’s gotten better with time (and living in big cities). When I was younger, I lived in a small farming town, and every year my friends and I would go to Pumpkin Works, the local pumpkin patch that offered bonfires, hayrides, a pumpkin patch, and the seemingly impossible (to me) 8-acre corn maze. Somehow, my friends would all get separated, and eventually, I would start yelling, “MARCO!” and hoping I’d get a “POLLO” back from one of them. It’s safe to say I was always one of the last ones out.

Navigating a corn maze with your SO will either highlight your teamwork or it might emphasize how you two can drive each other mad trying to get out of a huge field of corn. I’ll let you decide if it’s worth the risk. 



Cheer on the Home Team at a Football Game

This date idea is for the sports fans ou there. Even if you’re from out of town and have no loyalty to a local team, it’s so much fun going to a football game and cheering for the home team. The band’s music, eating popcorn, and all the outrageous fans in the crowd set the perfect tone for a great game day. #cleareyesfullheartscantlose


Go Apple Picking

I love eating apples year round, but how awesome is it that on a beautiful fall day you can go and pick your very own bag of apples AND enjoy a nice cup of warm apple cider afterwards. You gotta enjoy the fall weather while you can because we all know it will be gone before we know it. If your SO thinks this is a lame idea, then go to a local brewery where you can enjoy some hard cider!

PS: This is next on my fall date list!


Go Trail Running

Fall is seriously the perfect time to take advantage of the outdoors. Find a nearby trail, pack a light lunch, and spend an afternoon exploring and taking in the crisp air, changing leaves, and peace from a technology-free environment (make a rule to keep cell phones put away!).

Those are my 4 fall date ideas! What date plans are you making to get out and enjoy this gorgeous fall weather? Share in the comments below. 

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