How I Made it Through Round 1 of Whole30: A Daily Journal

How many of you love grabbing Starbucks in the morning, popping a mid-morning baked good into your mouth, and crave random sugary things a couple hours after lunch each day? Well, that’s me, in a nutshell. I hate that I…

95 Ways to Practice Self-Care Throughout Your Day

Is it just me or does life have a way of just take – take – taking everything we’ve got and not giving much back? For me, I was job searching for the past 4 months and for the first…


Hi there, I'm Marah Elizabeth, and
welcome to my slice of the internet.
Here, I share about my lifestyle from personal development, goals, favorite products, thrifting, my home, to DIYs, and more.
Thanks so much for stopping by,
I hope you enjoy this space.

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